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Martin Sostre: Life and Legacy
By Real Youth Initiative

“This Argument Is Far from Over”
By Garrett Felber and Stephen Ward Martin Sostre, James and Grace Lee Boggs, and the Political Prisoner in Revolutionary Struggles

Political Prisoner or Politicized Prisoner
By Stevie Wilson Who is behind bars? Who deserves support? What is the price of solidarity?

A Spirit, Unbroken
By Garrett Felber
How Martin Sostre’s ‘single act of resistance’ stood for a broader struggle for bodily autonomy and collective liberation.

Answering to Martin Sostre’s Ghost
By Stephen Wilson
Martin Sostre has been an inspiration to many current and formerly incarcerated individuals.

Black Agenda Report Book Forum: An Interview with Garrett Felber
An interview by Roberto Sirvent with Garrett Felber about Martin Sostre to commemorate 100 years since Sostre's birth

On Anarchism and the Black Revolution
By Peter James Hudson
For many on the Black left there is an enduring ignorance concerning the theory and practice of anarchism.

A Question of Justice: The Case of Martin Sostre
By Lorrin Rosenbaum and Judith Kossy
Few cases in recent history raise as many crucial questions of jurisprudence for courts in the US.

Martin Sostre: Legal Advocate, Prisoner, Revolutionary
By Mariame Kaba
Martin Sostre was a man who made a real impact in terms of prisoner rights in the United States.

The Prison Letters of Martin Sostre: Documents of Resistance
By Diane Hope and Warren Schaich
Sostre's letters reveal his personal struggle against perceived political and legal victimage.

“Shades of Mississippi”
The Nation of Islam’s Prison Organizing, the Carceral State, and the Black Freedom Struggle
By Garrett Felber

Overlooked No More: Martin Sostre, Who Reformed America’s Prisons From His Cell
By Alexandria Symonds
The lawsuits he filed from behind bars in the 1960s and ’70s laid the groundwork for prisoners to defend their rights.

How One Inmate Changed the Prison System from the Inside
By Joe Shapiro
His name has been lost to history, but in the 1970s, prisoners, wardens and prison guards across the U.S. knew of Sostre.

Martin Sostre
By Angela Davis
Excerpt from If They Come in the Morning

Storefront Revolutionary: Martin Sostre’s Afro-Asian Bookshop
By Malcolm McLaughlin
It was as a “political prisoner” that Martin Sostre attained national recognition in the 1960s.

The Unforgettable Life of Prison Rebel Martin Sostre
By William C. Anderson
It is time to honor the work of Martin Sostre, a jailhouse lawyer who struggled against the US prison system.

Martin Sostre, Prison Revolutionary
By Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin
Martin Sostre opened the doors for radical prisoners, Anarchist tendencies of color and radical praxis.
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